Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Bowl of Mush

Yes, it really is a bowl of mush! Well, some of us who should know better would rather eat deep fried tofu (and bags of chocolate chips)than healthy whole grains. SO, here is a relatively painless way to eat those whole grains (and no, those famous o's are not whole grains, even though the box alludes to it - don't you love when people tell you this?)
This is a bowl of cooked amaranth. I made it after reading about it in The Passionate Vegetarian (this is a great read even though not vegan - most of the 1000+ recipes have vegan suggestions). I didn't follow the directions exactly, but changed them to fit into my morning schedule. I toasted the raw grain for a few minutes as directed (some of the grains pop just like teeny tiny popcorn!). Then I added water and brought to a boil (ratio is 1 1/3 water to 1 grain). I turned off the heat, covered it, and when I was ready to eat a while later, it was ready for me! No stirring, boiling over, crusty pot, etc. Plus, it tasted great with flax, vanilla Silk, cinnamon, and a few walnuts. For those of you who don't hang around the house in the morning like me, make it the night before and reheat in the micro. Now if only I could find a way to like quinoa!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Had this for breakfast today. It was really good. Used walnuts and Rice Nog from Rice Dream. The cereal really picked up the flavors in the Rice Nog.

Might do it the rest of the week since Florida is getting a wicked cold snap. Overnight windchills were around 30 degrees and daytime highs in the 60s. It isn't supposed to warm up until after the weekend.